The Bird & Babe Public House

We offer pithy pontifications by the pint-full, and the best brain-food this side of Blogsford. There's no cover charge, and it's all you can eat/drink (although we strongly encourage moderation). Like any other pub, we always appreciate a good tip.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

As you've probably noticed, I have been offline for quite some time now. I'm just writing to let you all know that I'm still around, and to let you know why I have been absent as of late.

My daughter, Karis, has been quite ill lately, and to be honest, I'm a little worried about her. She has had a fever of over 105 for the past three days now, and much of our time has been spent at Kaiser trying to get treatment. She has had two catheters, eight vials of blood drawn, a throat culture, spinal tap, two very painful antibiotic shots, and is currently getting a chest x-ray.

After all of this, the doctors still don't know what is going on, and my wife is struggling to keep her spirits up. We would appreciate your prayers at this time.

UPDATE- Thank you all for your prayers, emails, phone calls, etc. It is great to know that so many people are praying and thinking of our little one. It appears that Karis' health is improving. This morning her fever was considerably lower than it has been since Sunday night, and her doctor was pleased with her vitals and her demeanor. Bekah and I are relieved that she is in much less pain, and we are hoping that she makes a full recovery soon. We still have no idea what caused all this, but hopefully it was just a stubborn virus that is on its way out. I'll keep you posted.

2nd UPTATE- Well, it looks as if Karis is out of the woods. Her temperature is back to normal, and she is back to her joyful self. Thank you all for your prayers; we are forever grateful. I'll let you know if there's any more info, but for now, it looks like she's made a full recovery!



Blogger Fr. Bill said...

Praying here too, Drew, both this evening and during the daily office in the days to come. Keep us posted.


May 03, 2006 6:30 PM  

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