The Seal of the Church
The Church is designed to be purposely and perfectly sealed off from the world, aided by the Holy Spirit, to directly maintain sanctification. Bonhoeffer states that sanctification means "that...Christians have been judged already, and that they are being preserved until the coming of Christ and are ever advancing towards it." It is one of the utmost duties of the Church to remain pure, in this sense; to preserve sanctification. When churches sacrifice this sanctification and training in order to be 'seeker-friendly,' they are going directly against God's design for his holy Church; they are breaking the seal that the Holy Spirit protects. Isn't it ironic, in this age, how this seal is usually broken from the inside of the church rather than from the outside?The sanctification of the Church means its separation from all that is unholy, from sin; and the method by which it is accomplished is by God's sealing the Church and thus making it his own possession...The Church's claim to a place of its own in the world, and the consequent line of demarcation between the Church and world, prove that the Church is in the state of sanctification. For the Spirit seals off the Church from the world. This seal gives the Church the strength and power to fulfill its duty of vindicating God's claim over the whole world...Because it is sanctified by the seal of the Holy Spirit, the Church is always in the battlefield, waging a war to prevent the breaking of the seal, whether from within or without, and struggling to prevent the world from becoming the Church and the Church from becoming the world. The sanctification of the Church is really a defensive war, for the place which has been given to the Body of Christ on earth. The separation of the Church and the world from one another is the crusade which the Church fights for the sanctuary of God on earth.
Any thoughts on the matter? Am I looking too far into this?