Behold the Man
On the sixth day, after God had created the world and the first Adam, he beheld the man and the world, and saw that it was very good. This was indeed a very good Friday. And on the seventh day, God rested. Tragically, what followed on the eighth day was the rebellion of Adam and the consequent marring of that very good creation. And death entered the world.
Let’s now fast-forward to the week which we have just celebrated, Holy Week. The sixth day came, and on Good Friday, Pontius Pilate ironically voiced the words of God as he announced to the people, “Behold the man.” Jesus, the second Adam, and very God himself, completed His work. And on the seventh day, He rested in the grave. But the eighth day, the high holy day of universal history, had the opposite effect the first eighth day. The New Adam defeated death, and new life entered the world. New Creation had come, and just as had God walked in the cool of the morning in the garden on the eighth day of the first creation, so Mary Magdalene while visiting the tomb on the eighth was startled to find God himself walking in the garden in the cool of the morning on the eighth day, and she mistook him for a gardener.
New Creation has come, and we have new life through the Second Adam, God with us, Jesus.